
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What else did Christ redeem?

Watching the local news, specifically showbiz news, these past days made me more aware of the assault that is going on, obviously to women, but more ravenously to men. The attack that is fired at the masculine race wounds them deeply, in fact so deep that we rarely ever detect them and what is left for us to see are the scathed, no I think butchered is a better term, women. Needless to say, all women who have wounded men in their lives are also in need of surgery. Satan weakens the man and the man beats the woman.

What most of us don't realize is this : women's hearts hurt ten times more when the offender is a man instead of a woman. When my mother unknowingly hurts me, I shed some tears yes, but when it comes to my father, I don't even want to get myself started. The pain is unimaginable. I am not exaggerating, even just thinking about it gives me a crumbling feeling. Men have such big roles in the lives of women, they are the protectors, providers, rescuers-all good things, all requiring strength which is why God bestowed it to them; they are supposed to be fathers, husbands, friends. But when Satan corrupts them these roles are forgotten and their strengths are misused. They attack, sadly, us-women. Be it with apathy or violence, both are painful all the same. We whom they ought to shield they maim, and the result is the bleeding and weeping of women- mothers, daughters, wives- all hurting.

Thankfully that is not how the story ends. I'll make it quick and straight to the point. Jesus came, to rescue mankind no doubt, and MANHOOD. He lived in a manner worthy to be imitated by all men. And He DIED to bring their true strength back. He is the only PERFECT MAN. At a time when men are at the height of their power and women are at the pit of neglect, Jesus showed the world how it is like to be truly man. Remember the respect and love he showed to Mary his mother; or the way he stood up to the Pharisees to protect the woman caught in adultery- so brave, so gentlemanly; and Mary Magdalene from whom he cast out evil spirits, how could we forget her; and how he did not embarrass the woman with the alabaster jar, being sweet and gracious to her? This is Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the fierce warrior, the rescuer of our race, he who fought for us and won for us... and won us. He makes our oppressors shudder with fear, sending a message of destruction to those who mean us harm. But he is also the Rose of Sharon, the romantic lover, he who won't stop from wooing us and alluring us with his charm.

And so men have hope. And women too.