
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dating Mr. Keyboard

November 29, 2011: My heart was racing really really fast just as my keyboard was almost crying "be gentle please" because finally I had my official blog site.

Fast-forward to a year later: a grand total of five entries. 

What happened? 

In my first entry here I made marriage vows... to writing.

This is something that I want to do during times of boredom and excitement alike, at times of intellectual drought or spring, and for as long as I shall be able to conjure any insight at all. Because when my eyelids close I see myself writing."

It sounded like I was unstoppable about it. Guess what, only four entries were written afterwards. It's either I lost my counting skills or I was really reckless in my statements before. Those words I realize are too strong and were driven only by emotions and fantasy. It's like falling in love then losing interest after sometime. 

What went wrong? Was I only lying when I wrote "...the one thing that makes my heart race at full throttle is writing."

I don't think so. What happened to me is similar to what's happening to that man who wants to divorce his wife. I did not become intentional about pursuing my passion and so the outcome is the ri-di-cu-lous FIVE blogs in ONE YEAR! Would you call that passion? 

If I say I love someone or something, it cannot be proven true until I actually continue to do so, not only feel so. 

I believe that too many marriage vows are broken not because they were untrue in the time that they were spoken but because along the way couples forget to be deliberate in loving. Love is a decision. Raging emotions are just the start of it.

In the same way loving God is not something that we do only when we feel like it. In fact loving him means choosing to obey and honor him even when circumstances aren't convenient. It means talking and listening to him even when he seems to be on silent mode. 

Love is a choice we need to regularly make. 

I had a good start with writing. But somewhere along the way we broke up because I was not willing to have a date with it when it didn't feel as exciting as it used to be. Thankfully somebody woke me up from this hiatus so Mr. Keyboard better be ready.

1 comment:

  1. looking forward for more out pour of your heart through this blog.. :)
